Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
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- Сексопатология

лечение кожи

For treatment of pigmentary spots and freckles the napkins moistened with fresh cucumber juice, are imposed on the person for 20 minutes daily before reception of desirable effect, and then 2-3 times a week as supporting treatment during all summer season. Подробнее...

Compresses salutarily influence a leather{skin} of the person and a neck. It is recommended to do{make} warm and hot compresses after clarification of the person (washing, wiping лосьоном) before massage or drawing of nutritious masks; cold - it is better to carry out as final procedure for giving elasticity to a languid leather{skin}. For compresses it is possible to use настои and broths of herbs. Warm and hot compresses are contra-indicated at the raised{increased} arterial pressure, propensity to reddening the person, at located close to a surface of a leather{skin} blood vessels. Подробнее...