пересадка кожи
Dryness of a leather{skin} amplifies under action of some external factors: the sun, a wind, sea water, work at hot furnaces. To not overdry a leather{skin}, it is necessary to remember rules of hygienic care of it{her}. For example, it is impossible to wash regularly before an output{exit} on street, to be fond of excessively cosmetic procedures in which are used спиртовые solutions, powders, the whitewash bleaching ointments. Подробнее...
Continuing we want to give a theme of green cosmetics, special attention to a parsley. She{it} the often visitor on ours грядках also is so unpretentious, that since early spring and till the autumn turns green and pleases an eye even to the laziest truck farmer. The parsley almost does not demand leaving{care}, and advantage{benefit} brings much. Подробнее...