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общий массаж для новорождённого

Costs of the small bus company - ништячками in road did not indulge, coffee have given to drink only the next morning, плюшку too gave only once, the rest of the time is continuous поили water, have got naturally. Passed Ankara at night, however did not see and has not remembered - slept strong as far as it is possible in a sedentary condition. Since morning behind windows already familiar landscape - at the left the sea, on the right small towns flashed - Samsun - Trabzon we passed a site on a way from Trabzon in Kayseri in the beginning of travel. Finished in 3 o'clock in the afternoon, have left, have taken an azimuth on port - the road is already familiar, in долмуш to sit did not begin. On a way at me has not sustained a thong at a sandal - it was necessary приволакивать a leg{foot} to not lose. Tickets on the return ship have bought without problems - they appeared for 20 dollars more cheaply, than in Sochi - she{it}, thirst of a profit at our compatriots! Подробнее...

In the meantime day has passed for half, and we have moved to yesterday's tourist agency, whence us should take away "банный" a minibus. Банный the complex where we have bought билетики, refers to " the Sultan to boors " - " Султанские a bath ". Even before trip we have read in a network, that at a choice of a bath it is not necessary to aspire to save - it is possible to get in a close and dirty kennel with a minimum of convenience. Our bath has settled down at once behind the city, a separate complex of buildings. On an input{entrance} to us have given out ключик for personal кабинки - with the help of a thong with a fastener it{he} fastens to a hand when it{he} already could not be put more. Bedsheets and тапки can be taken directly in a bath though it is better to have the. At once find out, in what language the client speaks and put the girl - guide - ours called Полина, she{it} to us at once has read introduction lecture and was ready to help therein. First it was necessary полчасика попариться in a sauna or a steam room and to become wet in ice pool or a jacuzzi - a dirty отмочить. Sauna cool, it is necessary to tell, and the steam room is a premise{room} trim with a tile where from cracks under a ceiling goes heated up pairs - if under a jet the pair to put a head - is felt, that it{he} even hot:) . Then actually to boors - a turkish bath: пилинг - the bathhouse attendant naturally peels{fleeces} the client rigid рукавичкой without a soap (after him{it}, to us have told, is more equal ложится sunburn, it is useful for classical health-resort visitors) and massage by a soapsuds - lay to itself on a warm marble, and the bathhouse attendant shakes up foam in a rag bag and piles up atop of you a snowdrift from it{her}. Банных premises{rooms} two - female and mixed. In mixed clients обоего to a floor, bathhouse attendants too, and in female accordingly women both those and others. The ambassador пилинга, foams and soul of the client put{plant} on a shop, water, wash a head, roll up in a towel and send релаксировать on лежачок - up to a call on massage of minutes through 5. Massage is done{made} with oil of a walnut, sensation fine - in details knead from a nape up to пяток. Among массажисток was two Russian girls - they there at all a rarity, have married for the Turk and have got accustomed. Подробнее...