медицинская косметология
Parsley curly - a two-year-old grassy plant. In the first year gives the socket of leaves, and on the second - цветоносный a stalk. It is raised as a spicy vegetable plant. In I peep use a root and leaves. Подробнее...
Plants in cosmetics can be used in a natural kind and as various medical forms. For preparation of the last use mainly dried up plants or their parts. Working substances are taken from plants with the help of various liquids. The majority of these substances is well dissolved in water. But the some people - only in spirit or fats. The vegetative raw material is crushed: leaves, цветки and a grass - than 5 mm (кожистые leaves - up to 1 mm) are usual up to particles in the size no more; roots, rhizomes, a bark and stalks - no more than 3 mm; fruits and seeds - up to 0,5-1 mm. Подробнее...