растяжки косметология
Tinctures are extracts of herbs which receive by their insisting on vodka or on spirit. For preparation of tinctures the crushed plants place in glass to bank, a bottle, fill in spirit or vodka, закупоривают and maintain at room temperature not less than 7-10 days. Then merge, the rest is wrung out also by everyone filter through a gauze combined in two layers, or through a filtering paper. Store{keep} tinctures at room temperature in well corked utensils from a dark glass, in the place protected from a sunlight. For the majority of tinctures prepare in соотнощении 1:5 or 1:10 (i.e. on 1 part of raw material 5 or 10 parts of spirit or vodka undertake). Подробнее...
Cosmetic masks on the action are nutritious, softening, drying, bleaching, etc. For the majority of masks fresh plants (кашица, juice, slices) or specially prepared настои, broths, tinctures from dry parts are used. In the summer of a mask prepare from various fruit, berries, vegetables; in the winter - from the dried up grass, цветков and inflorescences, roots, but whenever possible all the same it is better to use fresh vegetables and fruit. If prepare for masks from juicy fruits (for example, wild strawberry, a grapes, cherries, raspberries, an apricot, a water-melon, a tomato, etc.), them wash, release{exempt} from a peel and seeds or косточек and pound in кашицу in enameled, porcelain or glasswares. For masks from firm fruit (apples, a quince) or vegetables (the cucumber, cabbage, a potato, carrots, etc.) too clear them of a peel and pass{miss} through a meat grinder or grate. Подробнее...