косметология и массаж
Пиридоксин (vitamin B6) is useful at себорее, vulgar and pink угрях, себорейном loss of hair, дерматитах. At lack of it{him} there is an atrophy of cells{cages} эпидермиса, roots of hair and sebaceous glands. Contains in полыни, an onions{a bow}, a potato, cabbage, cucumbers, a parsley, tomatoes, rice, wheat, in many fruit and berries (a grapes, wild strawberry, sea-buckthorn berries, etc.). Подробнее...
The folic acid (vitamin В12) stimulates activity of a leather{skin}, promotes normal growth of hair, is useful at wrinkles, pink угрях, дерматозах. Contains in water-melons, a melon, cabbage, carrots, an onions{a bow}, cucumbers, a parsley, salad, tomatoes, a raspberry, sea-buckthorn berries, apples, baking yeast, wheat, neigh. Подробнее...