терапевтическая косметология
Biooozes (vitamin Н). At his{its} deficiency develop дерматозы, hyperpigmentation and a peeling of a leather{skin}, is broken growth of nails. Positive an effect has at себорее, wrinkles, a flabby and fat leather{skin}, угрях, at облысении. Contains in an onions{a bow}, carrots, cucumbers, salad, tomatoes, a red and black currant, yeast, wheat flour, peas. Подробнее...
Тиамин (vitamin В1) is useful at various forms угревой to a rash, себорее, pigmentary пятнах, дерматитах, loss and bad growth of hair, them поседении. Contains in a nettle, bananas, a grapes, a raspberry, lemons, a water-melon, flax, cabbage, a potato, beet, vegetable marrows, wild strawberry, wheaten and rice bran, зверобое, baking yeast, etc. Подробнее...