аппаратный пилинг
Ointments prepare, carefully pounding размолотое or the kneaded raw material (accordingly dry or fresh) in a porcelain mortar with what either vegetative or animal fat before reception of homogeneous weight. For preparation of ointments use also liquid extraction from plants (juices), mixing them with fat, жироподобными substances or ready Подробнее...
Action of clay is caused in the big degree by its{her} mineral structure. In some kinds of clay silicon, in others - aluminium, in the third - manganese prevails. Silicon positively influences on эпидермис, gives flexibility to vessels, stimulates growth of hair, an exchange липидов, formation{education} of collagen and a bone fabric. Aluminium possesses антацидными, drying and knitting properties, manganese - дезодорирующим and drying effect. But bleaching and clearing properties of clay are in the best way known. Подробнее...