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Radio oils. The smell of many herbs is caused by the maintenance{contents} in them of radio oils which collect or on a surface of plants (ferruterous волоски, эфирно-olive желёзки, ferruterous a stain), or inside them (секреторные cells{cages}, courses and канальцы, секреторные receptacles). Radio oils render knitting, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and ранозаживляющее action. Due to aromatic properties they are applied in the perfumery industry, cosmetics (mint, pink oils, etc.) . Roses, a yarrow and other эфирно-olive plants contain in mint, a grass зверобоя, полыни bitter, fennel, leaves of a sage medicinal, цветках lindens. Presence азулена - one of components of the radio oil contained in зверобое, a camomile chemist's, a yarrow, improves a feed{meal} of cells{cages} of a leather{skin}, strengthens a metabolism, salutary an effect has on a leather{skin} at solar burns and irritations, part of means on care of hair. Подробнее...

Usually the period of storage цветков, leaves and a grass does not exceed 1-2 years, fruits - 2-3 years. And rhizomes 3-5 years are possible to store{keep} a bark, roots. However in domestic conditions not always it is possible to provide optimum conditions of storage (temperature, humidity of air), and it conducts to damage of vegetative raw material. In this case it is not recommended to store{keep} raw material of more year. Подробнее...