бесконтактная мезотерапия
On kitchen{cuisine} work boils: the borshch, шкворчит on a frying pan juicy meat cooks, and gentle hands of the mistress cut vegetables for salad. Stop for one minute! The stayed small slice of a cucumber will not change taste of food, but for fifteen minutes will make your person velvety and fresh! It is absolutely simple, and you will see the received effect at once, and it{he} will undoubtedly please you. Подробнее...
Пилинг will instantly improve color of your person. If you till now have not included it{him} in weekly procedure of care by a leather{skin}, you have lost much. This simple method in a scientific way called эксфолиацией, will consist at a distance from a surface of your leather{skin} of dead cells{cages} therefore fresher and young leather{skin} under them is exposed. Besides it{he} stimulates the accelerated reproduction of cells{cages} of a leather{skin}, and it means, that new cells{cages} reach{achieve} a surface faster and the leather{skin} looks more youngly. As a result - more beautiful and smooth leather{skin} outside of for висимости from your age. Подробнее...