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быстрая эпиляция

Much more often women complain of dryness of a leather{skin}. It is considered, that more than half of all women have a dry leather{skin}. At young women the dry leather{skin} matte, elastic, is well tense on hypodermic fatty клетчатке. On it{her} it is not enough or absolutely there are no wrinkles. Time are closed and are not evident. But at a touch in such leather{skin} some dryness is felt also: it is not enough moisture. Especially dry there is a leather{skin} of cheeks and on temples. At the same time the leather{skin} of a forehead, a nose, носогубных складок and a chin frequently even shines. Such leather{skin} name beautiful, but its{her} appeal is temporary. She{it} badly transfers washings by water even with пережиренным soap. And then starts to lose the charming properties quickly. Becomes covered in a plenty fine чешуйками. The impression, that a leather{skin} as though обсыпана is created by a flour{torment}. Dryness grows, and the leather{skin} any more does not transfer washing to soap. Moreover, even after washing only she{it} frequently becomes covered by water red пятнами, burns. Then becomes flabby, becomes covered морщинками which all over again appear about corners of eyes (so-called « goose paws ») more and more. The sun, a wind, a cold and heat accelerate and aggravate these processes. If behind such leather{skin} to begin duly and careful leaving{care} it is possible to keep its{her} beauty for long time, to save up from withering. Подробнее...

For reception of juice select fresh, mature, innocent berries, fruits and vegetables, wash, clear of a peel, crush by means of a wooden pestle, pass{miss} through a meat grinder or grate. From the crushed weight through a rare fabric wring out juice. It is more convenient to do{make} it by means of a juice extractor. Then it{him} filter and use at once. From some berries (a currant, a raspberry, etc.) Juice receive as follows: them place in enameled or glasswares, 1/2 glasses of water on 1 kg of berries add and heat up up to 60 ° then wring out juice through a dense fabric. It is possible to prepare a small amount of juice for the future. For this purpose to отжатому to juice add for preservation spirit (15 % from total of juice). A mix heat up on a water bath in densely closed utensils till 75-80 ° and at such temperature continue to hold 30 more minutes. After that she{it} needs to be cooled and filtered quickly. In such kind juice is kept in a cool place more long time. Подробнее...