Мануальная терапия
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услуги лечебного массажа

The next morning have said goodbye to owners and have gone on station behind tickets. Tickets up to Trabzon have costed in 90 million for two, the bus has got to any not so big company (big, "Underground", we have imprudently ignored on the eve), standard полутораэтажный a Mercedes. Before departure there was a pair - three of hours, therefore have thrown backpacks at office of the company and have gone to take a walk on city at last. Have got drunk cheap айрана - have bought it{him} in a supermarket at once some jars. Have got juice and apples on a path. Wanted to visit Internet - interior, yes a trouble - in all area have chopped off light, fans and conditioners have stopped and music has ceased. Вайтер (invited) one of restaurants has asked us, whence we - little by little, and we already sat at him{it} at a little table, it{he} поил us we expect " for so " and talked to us almost in Russian: we named, who we by a trade, and it{he} there and then started with pleased kind to strew surnames of outstanding figures of this structure. It{He} доучивается on the teacher of a history also anticipates that day when at last becomes dear person, instead of any there the waiter - we have not for the first time noted, that the teacher here to be honourable, not that that at us. Подробнее...

From exotic kinds of massage at us are most distributed шиатсу and амма. " Амма "means" calm a hand ". This unusual technique has been invented blind for which massage was way to earn to itself for a life. For some millenia of years амма it was transformed to special philosophy of healing by a method акупрессуры and акупунктуры, that is pressing on the certain points or areas of a body. Амма as east kind of massage, is based on the doctrine about streams of the energy circulating in an organism. Representatives of east medicine are sure that massage is independently capable to relieve the person if not of everything from very plenty of diseases. In most cases diagnostics is carried out{spent} by the master of east massage independently and at once the medical rate is defined{determined}. In амма are used поглаживание, разминание, a stretching and поколачивание bodies in the locations акупрессурных points. To application амма it is much less than contra-indications, than to the European massage. Подробнее...