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институт косметологии

The crushed vegetative material fill in water as directed in the recipe. If in прописи the parity{ratio} of raw material and water is not specified, it undertakes more often 1:10, i.e. on 1 part of raw material - 10 parts of water. For example, to receive 100 ml настоя, it is necessary to take 10 г the crushed raw material. For external application it is possible to do{make} and more strong extraction (in 1,5-2 times), taking into account, that in some plants the maintenance{contents} of working substances is insignificant. The crushed raw material is better for weighing on chemist's weights. In domestic conditions of it{him} it is possible to dose out dining rooms or teaspoons. Into one dining room the spoon enters on the average 3 г the dry crushed leaves, цветков or grasses; a bark, rhizomes and roots - about{near} 7 г; seeds, kidneys and fruits - about 12. Подробнее...

The beauty demands leaving{care}. Certainly, the daily bath, alternation of masks, patient massage of a head by half-hour combing and love втирание in a body of softening gels will bring irresistable result. However afford such daily expenditure of time each woman can far from being. Not a trouble, if within working week you hardly have time and forces to remove{take off} a make-up before dream and two - three times to wash up a head. Devote to itself even one of the days off, and to the beginning of the next week you again will be fresh, beautiful and well-groomed. Подробнее...