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услуги детский массаж

Thai prisoners master new trades. The criminals who are serving time in one prisons of the country, work in a beauty salon which is located through road from corrective establishment - and they to clients do{make} Thai massage by a foot. Подробнее...

The important practical question. How correctly to choose a doze of an accepted product? Usually the doze for the single reception, recommended in the description, is designed for average weight of a body about 70-75 kg. If the additional information is not resulted in the description, such single doze increase by one unit of measurements (a capsule, a tablet, a teaspoon, etc.) on everyone of 10 kg of weight of a body. When the question is a measured portion of a powder product, she{it}, as a rule, corresponds{meets} to volume of three dining rooms of spoons of a powder. Подробнее...