Мануальная терапия
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массаж кистей рук

Быстренько by the minibus have reached to Antalya - to already good familiar road service station, быстренько have found the bus up to Алании is 120 kilometers on the east on coast. The bus appeared is unusually full - standing places have got only. The discount for стоячесть to us to make have refused, and we is proud the bus have left{abandoned} in the middle of a line - in a result reached longer and on 2 superfluous one millions have given., however, are guilty, it was not necessary to surrender on favour of the first got bus company - I think, in Аланию that day and hour transport was and still. Anyway, hours per 5 evenings we were in Алании where the phase of our travel was planned "матрасная". It is dear between Antalya and Аланией almost everywhere passes close to coast, on a way there is a small town Manavgat where tourists entice any маловыразительной, but beautifully sent on photos шиверой on the same small river. Подробнее...

Till XIX century massage has not been scientifically proved. And only in XIX century in Europe and from his{its} second half in Russia the first clinical and experimental works on massage have appeared. Oustanding Russian scientists V.M.Bekhterev, S.P.Botkin, L.G.Belljarminov, V.A.Manassein, A.E.Scherbak and many others were engaged in this area of medicine. The clinic of professor V.A.Manasseina was left with some dissertations on massage. The considerable contribution to perfection of technics{technical equipment} and a technique of massage has brought in I.V.Zabludovsky, he{it} publishes set of books and scientific works and the school of massage in Berlin has been organized. Подробнее...