Мануальная терапия
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массаж детям

As a result of adverse ecological conditions corresponding protective systems of an organism cannot adequately answer adverse influences of an environment, that sharply raises risk of development of many diseases. The number of people with the broken immune status, various forms иммуннодефицита grows. Infringement of the food status it is necessary to explain presence of the big number of people, on the one hand, with superfluous weight of a body and adiposity - a primary factor of risk of such diseases, as an atherosclerosis, ischemic illness of heart, hypertonic illness, a diabetes; with another - with reduced иммунореактивностью. Подробнее...

Also after practically all physical overloads and without dependence from a season the organism requires the raised{increased} maintenance{contents} of vitamins in a diet of the person. In such cases it is necessary to resort to special vitamin preparations - additives which contain or separate missing vitamins, or complexes of various vitamins and minerals. Подробнее...