инфекционное заболевание суставов
However the bearing is influenced also with positive emotions. Recollect, how looks and feels like in love: it{he} as if is inspired, ceases to stoop, as though even grows. The sharp attack of self-respect too straightens the person, develops{unwraps} his{its} shoulders. Подробнее...
Менискоиды nestle on lateral parts of articulate surfaces the negative pressure existing inside a joint. With their help secretion of an intraarticulate liquid for greasing jointed surfaces and maintenance of other biological functions is carried out. At sudden downturn of intraarticulate pressure (рывковое movement, дисторзия a joint) conditions for sudden moving and retraction менискоидов in a gleam of an articulate crack are created. Change рецепции from a joint causes immediate reaction of muscles on fixing a joint. There is a blockade of a joint - a well-known clinical phenomenon. The intensive subsequent ирритация ноцицептивного character causes a spasm периартикулярных muscles with fixing a joint in position of the least morbidity. The infringement менискоидов between jointed surfaces entails frustration of microcirculation in itself менискоиде, a hypostasis and swelling стромы, that results in deformation of a cartilage of articulate surfaces. As a result of it the volume of active movement in a joint is limited, the reserve of movement - " game of a joint " is limited. Осязательно it is tested as a firm emphasis at the end of end of active movement, it depends the doctor should define{determine} an elastic barrier. Подробнее...