операция замена тазобедренного сустава
Skin гипералгетическая zone (КГЗ) is characterized by the reduced elasticity at a stretching. In this respect it is possible to speak about revealing a barrier (a reserve of movement) at research of dynamic resistance on a stretching. The active barrier, as well as at research фасций and связок, is not defined{determined}, an interval between УБ and ЖБ stretch{drag out}, that characterizes a sufficient reserve of movement even at КГЗ. Подробнее...
The modern concept takes into account mechanisms muscular контрактильности and morbidities, and as фасциально - copular phenomena in formation of convertible impellent frustration where the role of so-called functional blockade of joints admits not deciding{solving}. In other words, primary dysfunction нейромоторного the device of impellent system the predominating place is allocated{removed}. Подробнее...