Мануальная терапия
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лечение гипермобильности суставов

Measure height stops (that is distance from a floor up to the top edge{territory} ладьевидной bones (the highest place on stop). Then measure length stops (from кончика the big finger up to the end пятки). Now increase height stops on 100 and divide{share} into length. At you the figure which refers to " подометрическим as an index " will turn out. A normal index - from 31 up to 29. If at you the figure will turn out within the limits of 27-29, плоскостопие is present. If is lower 25 - плоскостопие significant and visit to the doctor to postpone already it is impossible. Подробнее...

The Far East also has participated in the given question. In China, for example, for the prevention{warning} of pregnancy applied the various substances placed in a cavity of a uterus, in the main image used mercury, entering her{it} in a vagina. In Japan used киотаи (as a matter of fact, колпачок from a thin leather{skin}) which at an arrangement in the field of an external pharunx of a uterus warned penetration into it{her} сперматозоидов. Was well-known in Japan and the bamboo leaf impregnated with oil placed in the same way. Подробнее...