протез коленного сустава нового поколения
The history of manipulation in Russia differs from development of the named schools in the world a little. Here there was no opposition of national medicine, including, костоправного affairs to official medicine. There were no those noisy litigations with which the history хиропрактики is rich. Костоправное business included elements of massage, including dot, extensions, impacts, warmings up and spells. Used костоправными receptions national умельцы in provinces of huge empire where, naturally, achievements of official medicine reached hardly. Absence of necessity for expensive medical products, availability and sufficient efficiency at many diseases of the опорно-impellent device, are the reason of existence of this truly national branch of medicine. Unfortunately, as any official direction костоправное business was not issued. Individual enthusiast - practice in different regions of the country during the different periods of time used sufficient popularity, than drew attention of the public, only later - of bodies of public health services. Подробнее...
Manipulation not panacea for treatment of all diseases of the опорно-impellent device, including a backbone. Many them нозологические forms are absolute or relative contra-indications. However without exaggeration it is possible to assert{approve}: manipulation - an alternative pathogenetic method of treatment of degenerate - dystrophic diseases of a backbone, components about 90 % in structure вертеброгенных the illnesses shown by numerous neurologic reflex syndromes (цервикалгии, люмбалгии) with functional restriction of mobility in his{its} segments, компрессионными корешковыми and vascular syndromes (цервикобрахиалгии, люмбоишиалгии and, first of all, дискогенной and вертебральнобабазилярной illnesses). Подробнее...