дисфункция височного сустава
Stops are extremely useful for stop circulation barefoot on a grass, sand, a large or fine pebble, use massage ковриков, foot массажеров and simply manual massage. (Frequently recommend such exercise: to fill in the big box dry peas in one layer and to walk around it{him} of 3-5 minutes. It is very useful to go in massage тапках or on a massage carpet. Подробнее...
During remission of disease paramount value gets observance of a статико-dynamic mode with an interdiction of some kinds of movement, physiotherapy exercises, massage, бальнеотерапия, observance of a mode of work and rest. Other significant group of patients is made by patients with an osteochondrosis of a cervical department of a backbone as reflex мышечно-tonic and корешковых a syndrome. Подробнее...