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Contraceptive washings and syringings were applied all over the world. The Australian natives prepared contraceptive комки from an extract of a pond and a fukus. On Sumatra and the next islands except for that applied opium. Подробнее...
Measure height stops (that is distance from a floor up to the top edge{territory} ладьевидной bones (the highest place on stop). Then measure length stops (from кончика the big finger up to the end пятки). Now increase height stops on 100 and divide{share} into length. At you the figure which refers to " подометрическим as an index " will turn out. A normal index - from 31 up to 29. If at you the figure will turn out within the limits of 27-29, плоскостопие is present. If is lower 25 - плоскостопие significant and visit to the doctor to postpone already it is impossible. Подробнее...