локтевой сустав боль
The most massive and important element локомоторной systems - skeletal muscles - can be in 4 different functional conditions. It - norm, укорочение, slackness, local миофасцикулярный a hypertone of a muscle (painful{unhealthy} muscular condensation). Подробнее...
The person to whom you trust the backbone, necessarily should have the maximum{supreme} medical formation{education}, that is to be the professional doctor. In Europe at such doctor usually is also the assistant having average medical formation{education}, but it is forbidden to it{him} to work with joints. It is desirable, that except for higher education it{he} still had also the certificate allowing{resolving} to it{him} to work мануальпым by the therapist because if with a backbone the oculist or дерматолог will work, the success is rather doubtful. Подробнее...