узи тазобедренных суставов
From this point of view нейромоторная system as the active structure defines{determines} both патогенез, and саногенез functions of passive elements of the impellent device. Muscles, as is known, concern to active structures, a sheaf, фасции, having ability to reduction (контрактильность). Passive structures - joints, articulate cartilages, межпозвонковые disks, надкостница. In turn, pathological changes in passive fabrics are capable to cause secondary changes of active elements. In the broad sense of the word the purpose of manipulation consists in rendering medical effect on both these of an element and interruption of pathological communications{connections} between them with restoration of normal (functional) attitudes{relations}. Here in a general view we shall specify the basic pathological changes in the active and passive elements, being object of manipulation. Подробнее...
Why to not correct work of bodies ненасильственно, " at height " natural fluctuations? In fact all our bodies are in a condition of vibration. Recollect about heart! On modern hypotheses of a bone - are mobile. It concerns and to cranial bones! I use not sharply peak technics{technical equipment}, and подправки in a mode of these natural fluctuations. Подробнее...