коленный сустав операции
With flat stops it is possible to be born. (According to the most conservative estimates, плоскостопие meets at 15-20 % of children). In this case it is necessary to start to struggle with it{him} as soon as possible, practically from infancy. Usually doctors - orthopedists appoint to kids special massage which can be done at home. Matured children should do{make} independently various useful exercises, for example, to roll stops a stick or to go at home on dry peas. Подробнее...
First of all it is necessary to remove the reason, instead of a pain. And to start it is necessary from careful study of a backbone, and then to remove zones of a pressure{voltage} in a stomach, thus restoring normal иннервацию and blood supply of a small basin. And to avoid relapse, I recommend an individual complex of exercises which are useful to all women, but is especial at whom already is any of the described problems. Подробнее...