артрит суставов лечение
And put here not only in preventive maintenance and treatment плоскостопия. Putting on every day footwear, we do not reflect that thus at once we start to influence various parts of a body. Подробнее...
At treatment of patients of the given group the complex approach is applied: manipulation, acupuncture, medicamentous treatment (церебролизин, кавинтон, стугерон, ноотропил, эссенциале, глицин, energizers). Repeated rates of manipulation, observance of a correct impellent mode by the patient are obligatory: an interdiction on extreme turns of a head in the parties{sides}, inclinations forward and back, dream on a stomach, navigation on a stomach. Carrying of fixing soft collar Шанца is recommended ЛФК under the individual program. Подробнее...