болезни коленного сустава
In final сосудисто-ischemic стади the mentioned above вегето-vascular displays and headaches are less expressed, though can be observed in various combinations. In the foreground - the proof neurologic semiology testifying to presence of the center in стволовых formations{educations} of a brain with obligatory мозжечковой by insufficiency. Подробнее...
At patients with a chronic pathology of bodies of breath alongside with infringement of activity of respiratory muscles deterioration кинетики the articulate device of ventilation takes place. At survey, symmetric blockade I-VI of edges on a breath, and also фунциональные blockade cervical, chest and верхнепоясничных ПДС are characteristic. Functional ригидность joints of edges shows to respiratory muscles additional loading, and also limits an extensibility easy, that undoubtedly in addition aggravates легочную ventilation. Подробнее...