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коксартроз тазобедренного сустава

Really, in manipulation it is a lot of schools and directions. However for the expert practising in this area important not simply to be the professional physician and it is good to master - postulates of different systems - the individual sight at a problem of the doctor and an individual approach to the patient is by all means necessary. The session should last, at least, 20-30 minutes. The doctor, in my opinion should study constantly. Having mastered the European school of massage, for example, you understand, that it is not enough of it. I still studied the Japanese school of reposition of a basin pressing and grinding Масаюки Сайонджя, much was given by Korean school Su-Dzhok акупунктуры. Подробнее...

The Far East also has participated in the given question. In China, for example, for the prevention{warning} of pregnancy applied the various substances placed in a cavity of a uterus, in the main image used mercury, entering her{it} in a vagina. In Japan used киотаи (as a matter of fact, колпачок from a thin leather{skin}) which at an arrangement in the field of an external pharunx of a uterus warned penetration into it{her} сперматозоидов. Was well-known in Japan and the bamboo leaf impregnated with oil placed in the same way. Подробнее...