болезни суставов
Among вертеброневрологических kinds of a pathology most frequently there is a defeat пояснично-крестцового a department of a backbone as numerous мышечно-tonic syndromes. Taking up there is more than half of weight of a body and being the base to all overlying departments, it{he} provides normal physiological bends, uniform distribution of loading on ПДС and vertical position of the case in the whole. Подробнее...
The word "психосоматика" is known by everything though not all up to the end imagine, that this such. Roughly speaking, "психосоматика" is a dependence of a physiological condition of the person on mental factors. The back very sensitively listens to our personal and service problems. Muscles sharply react to any experience, is especial if this experience with the minus is familiar. Negative emotion is loading, weight which was taken up by the person. And though this weight not physical, muscles of a back and a neck react to it{her} so as if you have really shouldered something. The more the person tests stresses, the more it affects his{its} bearing. Подробнее...