Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

диагностика спина

In Ancient Egypt used влагалищным a tampon impregnated with broth of an acacia and honey. In some districts with the big effect applied steam baths. Besides according to oral legends, women in the contraceptive purposes used помет the crocodile. In Rames-seum papirus his{its} position in the arch of a uterus has been precisely described. Подробнее...

In Europe written instructions{indications} on methods the contraceptions concerning to XII-XVII to centuries were kept. Tampons from cotton wool and the papers impregnated with an acetic acid were used first of all. In diaries of the known subjugator of women of Casanova the instruction{indication} is found, that perfectly prevents pregnancy citric корка, placed before a uterus. Подробнее...