Мануальная терапия
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исправление спины

The new stage of development of manipulation concerns to the end of XIX century. There was an allocation of two specialities in this area on the basis of technical differences and some theoretical preconditions: остеопаты and хиропрактики. Though in a pathology of internal bodies both directions allocated{removed} the basic role to defeat of a backbone and his{its} communication{connection} with many bodies, differences in the practical attitude{relation} had basic character. Хиропрактики (founder D.D.Palmer) differed speed of performance of manipulations, rough contact, including, shock technics{technical equipment} and considerable quantity{amount} of complications. Frequently this technics{technical equipment} name a technique of short levers. In some cases the medical effect appeared amazing and the stunned patients escaped, having overlooked{forgotten} crutches. The similar episode is described by Finnish writer Marti Larni in known product " the Fourth позвонок ". Подробнее...

плоскостопия firstly it is possible and to not guess presence. If any especial pains are not present also a deviation{rejection} of the big finger absolutely insignificantly, the problem of purchase of footwear disturbs basically: it is necessary to select her{it} so that there was no appreciablly wrong position of the big finger. Evening hypostases are perceived thoughtlessly: more often them write off{copy} on weariness and протопанные kilometers. Meanwhile, the earlier to pay attention to the begun process, the it will be easier to cope with a problem. Подробнее...