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Skin гипералгетическая zone (КГЗ) is characterized by the reduced elasticity at a stretching. In this respect it is possible to speak about revealing a barrier (a reserve of movement) at research of dynamic resistance on a stretching. The active barrier, as well as at research фасций and связок, is not defined{determined}, an interval between УБ and ЖБ stretch{drag out}, that characterizes a sufficient reserve of movement even at КГЗ. Подробнее...
Now проприорецепции respiratory muscles and joints торакального a skeleton the important role admits formation of such touch equivalents of respiratory insufficiency, as a short wind or more correct term - диспноэ. Absence balanced афферентации from muscular - articulate structures of the device of ventilation is caused tonic укорочением инспираторной muscles, activity миогенных trigger items{points}, infringement реципрокного interactions between muscles of a breath and an exhalation. Deformed афферентный the stream reaches{achieves} not only бульбарных nucleus of the respiratory center, but also in structures лимбико-ретикулярного a complex in which the sensation of respiratory discomfort is formed. Подробнее...