реабилитационные центры травма позвоночника
Massage not only is useful, but also pleasant. Begin it{him} with small pressing by small pillows of fingers, then gradually strengthen loading. Influence on рефлексогенную a zone should not cause a pain. It should be smooth and soft. Massage needs to be carried out{be spent} stops within 5-10 minutes (for preventive maintenance of it quite enough). The best pose - полулежа, having relaxed. The only thing that it is necessary to remember: people with the raised{increased} sensitivity reflex massage receive such surplus of vivacity as though continuously something holds apart them. And quite often such condition comes only in some hours after massage. Подробнее...
First of all it is necessary to remove the reason, instead of a pain. And to start it is necessary from careful study of a backbone, and then to remove zones of a pressure{voltage} in a stomach, thus restoring normal иннервацию and blood supply of a small basin. And to avoid relapse, I recommend an individual complex of exercises which are useful to all women, but is especial at whom already is any of the described problems. Подробнее...