позвоночник болячки
At treatment of patients of the given group the complex approach is applied: manipulation, acupuncture, medicamentous treatment (церебролизин, кавинтон, стугерон, ноотропил, эссенциале, глицин, energizers). Repeated rates of manipulation, observance of a correct impellent mode by the patient are obligatory: an interdiction on extreme turns of a head in the parties{sides}, inclinations forward and back, dream on a stomach, navigation on a stomach. Carrying of fixing soft collar Шанца is recommended ЛФК under the individual program. Подробнее...
The possible{probable} volume of any active movement "against the stop" characterizes the first barrier of active movements, it{he} corresponds{meets} АБ. Continuation of this movement by external effort up to an elastic emphasis of system (a joint, a muscle, фасции) will characterize achievement of the second barrier - elastic barrier УБ. The further increase in effort of passive movements in the elected direction is accompanied by sensation of the third barrier - rigid emphasis ЖБ and characterizes achievement of border, the output{exit} for its{her} limits is accompanied by destruction (crisis, having dug). The difference between barriers УБ and ЖБ makes a reserve of movement (РД) of any element локомоторной systems. The more the reserve of movement, the is better biomechanical properties of this system as a whole. The presence{finding} of a reserve of movement makes essence of diagnostics in manipulation. Accordingly, normalization of barrier functions, restoration of a reserve of movement of system is its{her} purpose. Finally as a result of medical receptions the normal dynamic stereotype of movements is restored. Подробнее...