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восстановление позвоночника после травм

Manipulation not panacea for treatment of all diseases of the опорно-impellent device, including a backbone. Many them нозологические forms are absolute or relative contra-indications. However without exaggeration it is possible to assert{approve}: manipulation - an alternative pathogenetic method of treatment of degenerate - dystrophic diseases of a backbone, components about 90 % in structure вертеброгенных the illnesses shown by numerous neurologic reflex syndromes (цервикалгии, люмбалгии) with functional restriction of mobility in his{its} segments, компрессионными корешковыми and vascular syndromes (цервикобрахиалгии, люмбоишиалгии and, first of all, дискогенной and вертебральнобабазилярной illnesses). Подробнее...

The problem of treatment of diseases of the опорно-impellent device at all times was actual and there is those today. On the data the CART more than 80 % of the population suffer pains in a backbone and the joints, connected with degenerate - dystrophic changes in them, frequently resulting{bringing} to time, instead of is rare to proof loss of serviceability and even physical inability. Подробнее...