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энурез позвоночник

The Far East also has participated in the given question. In China, for example, for the prevention{warning} of pregnancy applied the various substances placed in a cavity of a uterus, in the main image used mercury, entering her{it} in a vagina. In Japan used киотаи (as a matter of fact, колпачок from a thin leather{skin}) which at an arrangement in the field of an external pharunx of a uterus warned penetration into it{her} сперматозоидов. Was well-known in Japan and the bamboo leaf impregnated with oil placed in the same way. Подробнее...

On the contrary, остеопаты (the founder considers Andrew Still) used so-called technics{technical equipment} of long levers, i.e. influence on a backbone rendered опосредованно through finitenesses of the patient. As against хиропрактиков, остеопаты used achievements of official medicine, have reached{achieved} significant heights in diagnostics though they and conceded хиропрактикам technically. At the initial stages of the development medical formation{education} for both schools was unessential, preparation врачевателей in the different centers was carried out{was spent} for term from several days and weeks (хиропрактики), about several years (остеопаты). Now, despite of presence of the international federation мануальной medicine (FIMM), the organized joint efforts of both directions in 1965 in London, in the world exist numerous хиропрактические and остеопатические the centers (the USA, England). Experts lead{carry out} some congresses which are carried out{spent} every three year. Magazine Manuelle Medizin which headquarters is in Germany is issued. Подробнее...