позвоночник лазер операция
The possible{probable} volume of any active movement "against the stop" characterizes the first barrier of active movements, it{he} corresponds{meets} АБ. Continuation of this movement by external effort up to an elastic emphasis of system (a joint, a muscle, фасции) will characterize achievement of the second barrier - elastic barrier УБ. The further increase in effort of passive movements in the elected direction is accompanied by sensation of the third barrier - rigid emphasis ЖБ and characterizes achievement of border, the output{exit} for its{her} limits is accompanied by destruction (crisis, having dug). The difference between barriers УБ and ЖБ makes a reserve of movement (РД) of any element локомоторной systems. The more the reserve of movement, the is better biomechanical properties of this system as a whole. The presence{finding} of a reserve of movement makes essence of diagnostics in manipulation. Accordingly, normalization of barrier functions, restoration of a reserve of movement of system is its{her} purpose. Finally as a result of medical receptions the normal dynamic stereotype of movements is restored. Подробнее...
Stop and boots at плоскостопов look not how at people with normal stops. Such to stop you will not name "nice". She{it} is longer usual, is flattened ugly out, and in the middle is excessively expanded. Besides stop it is as though developed{unwrapped} by a sole outside (orthopedists name its{her} such characteristic position by "pronation"). Boots are usually ruthlessly worn down at the heels from an internal part of a sole. At people with normal stops heels wear out on external edge{territory}, and socks - on internal. Подробнее...