связки позвоночника
As though we were bent under a burden, basically the wrong bearing is formed in the childhood. And повинна in it not only a wrong pose at lessons. From often punishments, двоек, conflicts the bearing too spoils. In general it is a lot of psychological reasons of a wrong bearing. You, for example, noticed sometime, what children, of which make great demands unreasonably (and they fairly try to these requirements to correspond{meet}), strongly lift shoulders? This habit frequently remains for all life. As the turn, influences work of muscles, a condition of a backbone and, as consequence{investigation}, for work of internal bodies. Подробнее...
With development of manipulation became possible{probable} revealings of early functional infringements опорно=двигательного the device and a backbone at children, since the infantile age, being consequence{investigation} of the transferred patrimonial trauma with functional blocking joints of a head and a basin which underlie infringement of a bearing and so-called идиопатического a scoliosis. In due time to remove these blocks and muscular дисбаланс, to restore balance in system "head - basin" probably only application of manipulation. Elimination of functional blocks of a basin of the woman is not less important, preparing to become{begin} mother and to provide with it атравматическое passage of the child on patrimonial ways. Подробнее...