Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

метостазы позвоночника

Clinically languid (гипотоничная, hypermobile) the muscle is characterized by an original complex осязательных sensations тестоватости, decrease{reduction} in elasticity at пальпации, the raised{increased} extensibility and, naturally, increase in volume of movements in a corresponding joint. The reserve of movement in this case is sharply limited also sensation of a barrier осязательно reminds cicatricial контрактуру muscles. Clearly, that the length of a muscle, i.e. border of rigid barrier ЖБ at the languid and short muscles are distinctive feature of two different pathological conditions. Подробнее...

In this section of the book we result{bring} синдромологию the major convertible infringements локомоторных functions at various diseases from the point of view of the expert on manipulation. It is obvious, that our problem{task} does not include the descriptive characteristic облигатных symptoms of diseases of separate bodies and the systems making their clinical essence. In this connection speech, basically, will go about elimination of the syndromes arising under influence of diseases of internal bodies (висцеро-вертебральные syndromes), formed as reflex syndromes and getting visibility independent. Special delicacy of a situation consists that in consciousness of the patient these new sensations are projected as an aggravation of the basic. Elimination secondary вертебральных syndromes as frequently it happens with the patient (unfortunately and with the doctor), creates at him{it} illusion of treatment from the basic disease by methods of manipulation. Therefore it is very important, that the cause and effect attitudes{relations} easily established{installed} in the formal - logic way, had in a basis pathogenetic communication{connection}. The decision of this problem{task} will allow to avoid mistakes not only in an establishment of the true diagnosis, but also in construction of the circuit of treatment and its{her} execution{performance}. Подробнее...