Мануальная терапия
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комплексное лечение позвоночника рефлексотерапией

Occurrence all new and new pharmacological means for treatment of these diseases does not solve a problem. Not only that they are unpromising by way of treatment, they have weight of contra-indications and adverse by-effects, conduct to аллергизации - to failure компенсаторных mechanisms of immunity. Various, including "universal", devices of physiotherapy it is far from being бозобидны since will disorganize own power biofields of an organism and have set of contra-indications, it is especial at persons of advanced age with an accompanying pathology of internal bodies. Подробнее...

Demonstration of barrier functions is most illustrative by the example of joints. The volume of active movements, naturally, is defined{determined} by a condition of the muscles which are carrying out movement in any direction. The volume of passive movements is defined{determined} by a condition связок, articulate surfaces and other elements of a joint which we name passive fabrics. The elastic emphasis determined at passive increase of volume of movement in a joint, is defined{determined} by a condition of these fabrics and is the basic characteristic of a joint. Otherwise her{it} still name model of a joint (J.Cyriax, 1977). The additional increase in a passive pressure{voltage} in the certain direction allows to achieve an anatomic barrier of a joint, i.e. a rigid barrier. This additional volume of movements refers to as game of a joint, i.e. a reserve of movement. The functional sense of game of a joint consists in maintenance protective - brake functions. In the analysis of these positions we came to those phenomena which in norm and at a so-called convertible pathology of joints play a main role. It is found out, that in maintenance конгруентности articulate surfaces the special place is allocated{removed} special выростам синовиальной the environments, received the name менискоидов (J.Wolf, 1946, 1975). Appeared, that выросты синовиальной environments densely adjoin from sides to articulate cartilages, but in norm between them are never found out. Подробнее...