ортопедический позвоночник
The greatest pressure{voltage} is tested usually with a neck, shoulders, a back. The condition of a backbone speaks психотерапевтам much. For example, superfluous loading on work (irrespective of a trade) influences a condition плечей and necks. The average part of a back reacts to too inconsistent, mixed feelings: it when, for example, you very much want something, but are afraid of consequences. The waist painfully responds on financial problems. At people which have tested sudden difficulties with money, suddenly wake up a radiculitis or люмбаго. The fear of a pain (for example, at cores) forces people съеживаться. Подробнее...
In medieval Europe the condom (кондом) for the first time has been invented. First they were done{made} of a thin leather{skin}, then from the sheep guts, and after opening by Columbus Ameriki from rubber, with rubbers, latex. Подробнее...