после травмы позвоночника
In medieval Europe the condom (кондом) for the first time has been invented. First they were done{made} of a thin leather{skin}, then from the sheep guts, and after opening by Columbus Ameriki from rubber, with rubbers, latex. Подробнее...
On this schedule the internal circle means normal physiological borders of the active movements, conditionally named the active barrier (АБ), made by a joint, a muscle, a sheaf, фасцией in any direction. This volume is caused by internal physiological opportunities of system. Volume of passive movements under action of external effort in the same structures and in the same directions are determined by average circle with external border УБ (an elastic emphasis) and external circle with external border ЖБ (a rigid emphasis). The output{exit} for borders of external circle ЖБ means destruction of an element локомоторного the device (a joint, a muscle, a sheaf, etc.). Подробнее...