грыжа диска позвоночника
The diseases of children directly caused by a pathology of a backbone, contrary to a popular belief, at all a rarity: кривошея, sharp pains in a back and a waist, a scoliosis... Not speaking about the indispositions connected to a backbone опосредованно, through vascular and nervous system: headaches (for example, a migraine), at young girls - painful{unhealthy} irregular менструации (without gynecologic паталогии), pains in a stomach (including various a dyskinesia of a gastroenteric path) and others. At 90 % of children and teenagers with a chronic tonsillitis joints of a cervical department of a backbone are blocked. Подробнее...
Manipulation not panacea for treatment of all diseases of the опорно-impellent device, including a backbone. Many them нозологические forms are absolute or relative contra-indications. However without exaggeration it is possible to assert{approve}: manipulation - an alternative pathogenetic method of treatment of degenerate - dystrophic diseases of a backbone, components about 90 % in structure вертеброгенных the illnesses shown by numerous neurologic reflex syndromes (цервикалгии, люмбалгии) with functional restriction of mobility in his{its} segments, компрессионными корешковыми and vascular syndromes (цервикобрахиалгии, люмбоишиалгии and, first of all, дискогенной and вертебральнобабазилярной illnesses). Подробнее...