Мануальная терапия
- Массаж
- Офтальмология
- Лор
- Дерматология
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- Зависимость
- Аллергология
- Кардиология
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- Неврология
- Гастроэнтерология
- Пластическая хирургия
- Стоматология
- Эндокринология
- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

клиника позвоночник

Data on manual grants{manuals} at traumas of the опорно-impellent device contain in numerous references of the ancient world. Гиппократу they were known as an effective method of treatment of illnesses of a backbone (рахитерапия); some techniques were rather original: two assistants stretched{dragged out} the laying patient, having adhered it{him} for hands and legs{foots}, and the third (can be, the main expert) went on a back of the patient. However, circulation on a back practised at many peoples, circulations of juvenile sons on a back of the father tired for a day were rather popular. Such medical procedure was carried out{was spent} frequently in a bath, a narration about which we meet at A.S.Pushkina in his{its} product " Travel in Арзрум " during a campaign of 1829 where it{he} recollects тифлисские hot a bath and the treatment which has been lead{which has been carried out} by bathhouse attendant Gassanom which " started to break to me members, to extend joints, to beat me strongly a fist ". Here it is mentioned, that " the Asian bathhouse attendants are enraptured sometimes, вспрыгивают to you on shoulders, slide legs{foots} on hips and dance on a back вприсядку ". Гиляровский in the book " Moscow and muscovites " results the description of medical process in a bath when занедюжившего put on a threshold of a door, and бабка-костоправка through a hot broom tapped обушком an axe on a back. Such data in fiction it is possible to find much. This certificate of that in people receptions of traditional medicine passed from father to son, were creatively processed, promoting becoming of the doctor - костоправа. Unfortunately, as a separate management{manual} experience of folk healers has not reached us. Frequently representatives of official medicine oppressed national doctors, promoting division of medicine for propertying and deprived layers of the population. Apparently, it is fair not only in relation to костоправному to the business which subsequently has turned in мануальную medicine, but also to other versions of national medicine: траволечению (herbal medicines), to plots (psychotherapy), baths (бальнеотерапии, to massage). Naturally, on a background of conclusive successes of surgery, pharmacotherapy, physiological and other sciences methods of national medicine caused in scientists not only mistrust, but also hostility that was the aggravating factor between theoretical achievements official and practical results of national medicine. Подробнее...

Really, in manipulation it is a lot of schools and directions. However for the expert practising in this area important not simply to be the professional physician and it is good to master - postulates of different systems - the individual sight at a problem of the doctor and an individual approach to the patient is by all means necessary. The session should last, at least, 20-30 minutes. The doctor, in my opinion should study constantly. Having mastered the European school of massage, for example, you understand, that it is not enough of it. I still studied the Japanese school of reposition of a basin pressing and grinding Масаюки Сайонджя, much was given by Korean school Su-Dzhok акупунктуры. Подробнее...