Мануальная терапия
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кардиология вегето сосудистая дистония

Thus, in the broad sense of the word a subject of manipulation is not only a pathology of muscles, joints and other elements of peripheral localization, but also a pathological impellent stereotype. Further we shall show, as under influence of pathological changes at a спинально-segmentary level of the organization of movement the program of his{its} construction can be changed. Подробнее...

Most actually the question of contraception has risen in Ancient Rome of the period of decline, in connection with sexual dissoluteness of all layers of the population. Various tampons and губки, impregnated were widely used by corresponding solutions which either warned conception, or caused interruption of already arisen pregnancy. The substances of a vegetative or animal origin changing the environment in a vagina aside подкисления of her{it}, including alum, a saffron, wood glue, a pomegranate, leaves of a willow, помет the crocodile and the elephant were used. Подробнее...