нейроциркулярная дистония клиника лечение профилактика
The leather{skin} is not an accessory{a belonging} of the impellent device. However, reflex interaction of a leather{skin} and the muscles, expressing diverse phenomena (trembling at cooling, increase or downturn of a muscular tone, change of microcirculation) allows to count these communications{connections} essential. In the clinical attitude{relation} are more known дерматомоторные attitudes{relations}, though diagnostic value моторно - дермальных attitudes{relations} not less important. It is established, that above a site of a muscular hypertone or in the neighbourhood zones skin гипералгезии with simultaneous пиломоторной reaction are frequently formed. At superficial пальпации, is more exact at a sliding contact, these sites are defined{determined} as an obstacle to sliding of fingers - " a phenomenon of sticking ". Подробнее...
As though we were bent under a burden, basically the wrong bearing is formed in the childhood. And повинна in it not only a wrong pose at lessons. From often punishments, двоек, conflicts the bearing too spoils. In general it is a lot of psychological reasons of a wrong bearing. You, for example, noticed sometime, what children, of which make great demands unreasonably (and they fairly try to these requirements to correspond{meet}), strongly lift shoulders? This habit frequently remains for all life. As the turn, influences work of muscles, a condition of a backbone and, as consequence{investigation}, for work of internal bodies. Подробнее...