вигето сосудистая дистония
Contraceptive washings and syringings were applied all over the world. The Australian natives prepared contraceptive комки from an extract of a pond and a fukus. On Sumatra and the next islands except for that applied opium. Подробнее...
In structure of infringements of impellent system the second place is borrowed{occupied} with frustration of articulate functions. The question is not morphological changes of the joints obviously limiting their functionalities. The so-called functional pathology of a joint as the basic concept in мануальной to medicine, is characterized by a number{line} of clinical features. A basis of restriction of volume of movements in a joint, and also a reserve are the diverse phenomena: structural changes in a joint and периартикулярных fabrics, spasms околосуставных muscles and so forth. The Special place in this number{line} is borrowed{occupied} with so-called functional blockade of joints. Подробнее...