Мануальная терапия
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- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

гирудотерапия артроз

Special value of manipulation in treatment of infringements of a bearing and a scoliosis of 1-2 degrees at children and teenagers. And business not only and is not so much in correction of cosmetic defects, but also in elimination of the functional infringements of internal bodies connected to them and systems (вегето-vascular and нейроциркуляторной a dystonia, дискенезий ЖКТ, gynecologic sphere) which then form organic changes and нозологические forms of diseases of adults as a stomach ulcer and a cholecystitis, hypertonic illness, vascular syndromes ЦНС and т.д.. According to the Russian center of manipulation the percent{interest} of healthy children from the point of view of a condition of a backbone decreases from 25 % in elementary grades up to 0 % in the senior classes. The conclusion unfavourable - with functionally healthy backbone practically is not present people. Подробнее...

Skin гипералгетическая zone (КГЗ) is characterized by the reduced elasticity at a stretching. In this respect it is possible to speak about revealing a barrier (a reserve of movement) at research of dynamic resistance on a stretching. The active barrier, as well as at research фасций and связок, is not defined{determined}, an interval between УБ and ЖБ stretch{drag out}, that characterizes a sufficient reserve of movement even at КГЗ. Подробнее...