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Besides in respiratory and торакальной to muscles of patients ХОЗЛ, with high frequency are registered миогенные trigger items{points} possessing significant нейрофизиологической by activity (Gajnutdinov A.R., 1992). The special role is played нейрогенная with hyperventilation in structure of a syndrome of vegetative insufficiency. Подробнее...
Gradually appearance stops varies also. Косточка in the basis of the big finger turns around of a longitudinal axis and rises upwards, the big finger deviates aside a little finger. Such position of the big finger name Hallux Valgus. Thus the head of the big finger hurts and the joint inflames. As loading on a foot is distributed{allocated} non-uniformly, on a foot callouses can appear. It happens, that at плоскостопии lateral edges{territories} of nails grow under a leather{skin}. It is hurt and is fraught with inflammations. Подробнее...