Мануальная терапия
- Массаж
- Офтальмология
- Лор
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

массаж на спину

Менискоиды nestle on lateral parts of articulate surfaces the negative pressure existing inside a joint. With their help secretion of an intraarticulate liquid for greasing jointed surfaces and maintenance of other biological functions is carried out. At sudden downturn of intraarticulate pressure (рывковое movement, дисторзия a joint) conditions for sudden moving and retraction менискоидов in a gleam of an articulate crack are created. Change рецепции from a joint causes immediate reaction of muscles on fixing a joint. There is a blockade of a joint - a well-known clinical phenomenon. The intensive subsequent ирритация ноцицептивного character causes a spasm периартикулярных muscles with fixing a joint in position of the least morbidity. The infringement менискоидов between jointed surfaces entails frustration of microcirculation in itself менискоиде, a hypostasis and swelling стромы, that results in deformation of a cartilage of articulate surfaces. As a result of it the volume of active movement in a joint is limited, the reserve of movement - " game of a joint " is limited. Осязательно it is tested as a firm emphasis at the end of end of active movement, it depends the doctor should define{determine} an elastic barrier. Подробнее...

Механистичность the theory it is obvious. First of all, from the point of view of orthopedy, the present{true} dislocations in the situations described J.Palmer, no. They were not found out рентгенологически both before manipulation, and after it{her}. Second, muscular morbidity, formation of pathological impellent complexes, repeatability of "incomplete dislocations" could not be explained by this theory. It is necessary to tell, that in the modified variant these representations exist and now. They are frequently used in the popular literature in view of convenience of an explanation of the sound phenomenon accompanying manipulation, and speed of approach of medical effect. Подробнее...